While there is inherent beauty, magic, wonder and awe in the Holiday season, there can also be increased demands upon each of us. One may get pulled into the frenetic pace of external tasks. Children may become overwhelmed emotionally. Our time and energy may be taxed causing stress and anxiety in our system.
When we are in stress and anxiety, the body, brain and heart are out of balance. Our brains can ruminate in repetitive thought patterns and our emotions can become overwhelmed. Both pull us out of our core center, our inner balance.
Heart coherence is the state when our heart, mind and emotions are in energetic alignment and balance with one another. This state radiates energy of peace and love and harmony.
Heart rate variability is the variation of the time between consecutive heartbeats. When one learns to influence their heart rate variability, internal stability restores itself. Balance is gained between mind, emotions and heart creating inner peace and calm.
Conscious breathing is a powerful tool that can bring us back to a harmonious sense of self and well-being. Puran and Susanna Bair, authors of Energize Your Heart, indicate that breath can significantly improve heart rate variability through a technique called heart rhythm meditation.
Try this simple practice daily for 2-5 minutes.
Sit upright with a straight spine and feet firmly on the ground.
Breathe in fully expanding your belly.
Breathe out fully squeezing your belly to your spine pushing all the air out.
Breathe in counting for 4 counts.
Hold your breath in your heart for 4 counts.
Breathe out and exhale for 4 counts.
Stay focused on your count and let other thoughts move through.
You can add a positive affirmation phrase to the count pattern to increase focus.
As you become more comfortable with this pattern add this next step:
Find your pulse either in your wrist or at your neck.
As you do steps 4-6, synchronize your count pattern with your pulse rate.
Continue practicing this breathing technique daily to influence your heart rate variability. The more consistently you practice, the more inner peace you may feel. And so I’m offering this simple phrase. For kids from one to ninety two, Although it’s been said many times, many ways Merry Christmas to you!