Conscious Pregnancy Coaching
Finding out you're pregnant can cause an explosion of emotions from pure Joy to overwhelm! Conscious pregnancy coaching is a heart centered approach to guide expecting parents inward to reduce stress, nourish self, imprint Divine qualities, bond deeply with baby and consciously create a thriving new life.
Conscious pregnancy coaching offers expecting parents an alternative from the consumerism of our western world birthing industry and supports pregnant parents to:
Reduce stress and nourish yourself during pregnancy, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually
Build confidence in yourself and as they sort through pregnancy and birthing options
Release current societal pregnancy and birthing expectations and step into your innate knowing of decision making
Embraces a Spiritual based pregnancy encompassing your new baby as an awake sentient being
Nurture a healthy womb environment
Bond deeply, energetic and spiritual, with your baby in utero
Consciously imprint Divine qualities into your growing baby
Work together with your baby to experience an optimal birth
Create a thriving new life, giving baby its best start
Influence a heart based Humanity
Conscious Pregnancy Coaching will individually guide you more deeply through my practices in Love Me In; A Sacred Pregnancy Journal.
Karen shares her story of positive birth outcomes through the guidance of pregnancy coaching.
Conscious Pregnancy Coaching Session are available as
a single session ($125) in a package of 3 ($325) and a package of 6 ($625)
Sessions are online using Zoom or by phone.

Newborn Coaching
Whether you are a first time parent or parent of several children, new experiences can present with each individual birth. Bringing a baby in earth side requires adjustments and transition time for both parents, babe and siblings. Sometimes everything adjusts beautifully and other times we need support.
My newborn coaching series offers parents support in those first days, weeks and months of baby’s birth while you are all settling in and getting to know one another.
Coaching is offered in areas of:
Infant sleep challenges
Infant feeding challenges
Tips for calming, self-regulation and bonding
Teaching the importance of respectful touch to build lasting sense of self
Reading infants cues
Tips for tummy time and other important developmental milestones
Baby Bundle Infant Massage also offered here.
Conscious Pregnancy Coaching Session are available as
a single session ($125) in a package of 3 ($325) and a package of 6 ($625)
Sessions are online using Zoom or by phone.
Newborn Coaching Session 6 Pack
Sessions are online using Zoom or by phone.